5 Things I Learned About Growing a Passion Project

November 15, 2022

CONVERGE is my passion project, my baby.

It all started as a list on Facebook, which became a Google Doc, and then a long list on my personal website and has evolved into a 31 page website, event series, a newsletter, social media account, and much more.

It was launched 3 years ago, on July 1st 2018 and has had almost 10k users from 108 countries and 29.8k page views without any paid advertising, mostly through word of mouth.

Here are 6 things I’ve learned about growing a passion project,  a checklist and resources so you can build something that you’re proud of as well.

1. Identify the most important aspects of the project to prioritize

• If it’s a side project, chances are you have many other things happening and you might not have as much time to dedicate to this project as you want.
• Honing in on 2-3 of the most critical parts of your project will let you focus and do a great job rather than trying to tackle too many aspects and doing it poorly.
• I know I’ve struggled with wanting to build 10+ features for CONVERGE, but realistically only being able to do a few. I’ve felt disappointed but realized that the things I can feasibly do, I just need to make amazing.

2. Remember it’s called a “Passion” Project - so if you feel yourself groaning at the idea of working on it and it starts feeling like a chore, it’s time to pause and reevaluate.


• Why did you start in the first place?
• What is the bare minimum contribution you can make that will keep it afloat but give you more time for yourself?
• What do you feel overwhelmed about?
• What would happen if you paused for a little?
• What did you want this project to evolve into when you started? Vs. What do you want it to evolve into now?

3. Tell people about what you’re doing!

• This is very exciting and you should feel proud of it - no matter how big it is yet. Starting a new podcast or selling your art? People can’t support you unless they know what you’re doing.
• Tell your friends and family, share on your own social media.
• If you’re networking, mention it.

4. Don’t expect people to help you for free just because it’s a passion project. If you need additional help, budget or get creative.

• Folks can certainly volunteer to help you, but if you’re approaching people for services - be ready to appropriately compensate them or...

5. Offer to trade services with other people.

• Figure out your strengths and offerings so you can also support other people growing passion projects or small businesses

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